8 Christmas Games to Play with Your ESL/EFL Class this Holiday Season
These 8 no-prep Christmas games just require printing a worksheet, grabbing a deck of cards, or turning on the computer.
Play them as warmers or brain breaks throughout the month of December. Or have a Christmas party and play them all!
1. Christmas Picture Riddles

Download this PowerPoint and project these riddles onto the board. See if you and your students can guess them all! (Answers are on every other slide.)
2. King’s English Class Christmas Edition
If you’ve ever played King’s Cup, the drinking game, then you know how much fun it can be. I’ve tweaked the game to be classroom appropriate and holiday themed for an English class!
For “punishment,” losing students can say a sentence about Christmas. To make it more challenging for your class you can put a word limit, for example, sentences must be at least 10 words long, or you can have students make sentences using a recently studied grammar topic.

*Alternative punishments for different types of classes include spelling a Christmas vocabulary word, or the losing student must wear a funny Christmas hat and the student who is wearing the hat when the game ends must sing a Christmas carol.
Here’s a PDF of the rules if you want to print it out for your students.
3. Christmas Charades
Print the charade cards, cut them out, put them in a hat, and play charades!
4. Baamboozle Christmas
If you’ve never played Baamboozle in class, you’re missing out. You can sign in and play the classic game for free.
Project the game onto the board. Divide the class into two teams. Decide which team will go first, and hit play. Your students to answer Christmas questions and earn points for their team. There are plenty of wild cards in the game to keep things interesting.
Click here to open the Christmas Game.
5. Wordwall Christmas
Project this game show quiz onto the board and play together with your students. Students young and old love the time challenge of Wordwall game show quizzes. You’re class will be very engaged.
There are time boosters, so be sure to answer the Christmas questions quickly!
Click here to play the Wordwall Christmas Game Show.
6. Crowdpurr Christmas Trivia
For those advanced adult classes it can be tough to make a Christmas lesson fun as they’ve probably learned Christmas words every year for years now. So why not shake things up a little and play Christmas trivia!
To play a Crowdpurr game students need their cell phones. They have to scan the QR code. Make sure everyone starts at the same time, or some students might get the answers faster than others.
So scan the QR code, say “1, 2, 3, Go!” and see who in your class knows the most Christmas trivia.
Click here to play Crowdpurr Christmas trivia.
7. Christmas Blooket Games
Blooket is another online game that you can sign up and play for free. Students need access to some digital devices to play (cell phones, iPads, laptops, etc.).
Open the Christmas Blooket Game. (You’ll need to be signed into Blooket.)
Choose a game to play, and project the code and QR code onto the board.
Let students type in the code at https://play.blooket.com/play or simply scan the QR code. Students will be asked to choose a name and a character.
Now them let them play! Project the leader board onto the screen so you can see in real time who knows the most about Christmas.
8. YouTube Christmas Guessing Game and Dancing
My two favorite Christmas games available on YouTube at the moment for ESL classes are this Christmas guessing game that requires students to listen to a Christmas sound and guess what it is they’re hearing.
And if you teach younger students, then Just Dance is the perfect warmer or brain break during the holiday season.
Check out this Christmas Just Dance and let your students rock around the Christmas tree.
Were these helpful for your class? Let us know in the comments below.
And if you need more Christmas lessons, check out this Advanced Conversation lesson.

Loving this post. Such great Christmas activities!
Very useful! Thank you! merry christmas
Merry Christmas!