How to Teach the GEPT Speaking Test
Use this free lesson to teach students the GEPT speaking test format. There are four components to the GEPT speaking test. You can download the PDF worksheet for this lesson for students here. Step...
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Test-prep resources
Use this free lesson to teach students the GEPT speaking test format. There are four components to the GEPT speaking test. You can download the PDF worksheet for this lesson for students here. Step...
Here are more Part 3 and 4 practice questions for B2 First. Students and teachers can use them in class.
This lesson can be used for any IELTS speaking class, including large classes, to practice IELTS questions part 1, improve fluency, and provide feedback. Use the PowerPoint below to project the questions on the...
Provided below are some Part 3 and 4 practice questions for B2 First (formally known as FCE). Before answering the questions, read these important notes about B2 First. NOTE FOR TEACHERS: If you are...
Here are some more questions to practice the FCE Part 2 speaking exam. The FCE part 2 speaking exam focuses on your ability to compare two picture and also your ability to be coherent...
The Task 2 Speaking Question is often one of the most challenging parts of the IELTS for students. It is the long-turn question. Students must prepare the question for 1 minute, then speak for 1-2...
In part two of the FCE exam, the student is asked to compare two photographs in about a minute. The picture is given by the examiner. One student compares and the other student listens...
Different topics are given for the examiner to ask. The examiner will select two for you: Let’s talk about Science and Technology at school: Let’s talk about cakes and sweets: Let’s talk about history:...