50 Advanced TEFL/ESL Conversation Questions about SDGs

Are you or your students interested in helping the world? Help by spreading the word about the UNs Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. 

First visit the United Nations Website. You can watch this video about the 17 goals for improving the world. Then read all about the 17 SDGs

After you and your students have become familiar with the goals for improving our planet and the future of our world, you can use the following discussion to broaden you and your students’ understanding of what it takes to improve our world.

The Environment

One large aspect of the UNs Sustainable Development Goals is protecting and helping our environment.

  1. Which of the UNs 17 SDGs relate to the environment?
  2. What are some ways in which your country attempts to help the environment?
  3. What are some ways in which you personally attempt to help the environment?
  4. How can you personally help protect life below water?
  5. How can you help life on land?
  6. What does responsible consumption and production mean to you? Do you think you can have an effect on production and consumption where you live?
  7. Do you think your city or community tries to live sustainably?
  8. What are some ways you can help your community to be more sustainable? Do you think you can have an effect on your community?
  9. What inventions have you heard of that can help clean, maintain, or help our environment? What are some inventions that you would like to see in the world to help our environment?
  10. What’s one action you can take today, this week, and this month to help our environment?

Your City

The UNs 17 SDGs require a global effort. One aspect of the globe is your city. 

  1. Are there green buildings in your city? If yes, are they built by the government or private companies?
  2. Does your city provide and support public transportation? How does public transportation fit into the 17 SDGs?
  3. Besides public transportation, what are other infrastructures that your city provides its citizens? Is there anything more that you’d like to see your city provide?
  4. Do you think your city fosters innovation? If yes, how so? If not, what would you like to see your city do?
  5. Is there access to clean water and sanitation in your city? Could it be improved?
  6. Where does your city get energy from? Do you think it’s sustainable?
  7. What is the employment rate like in your city? Are there enough jobs? Why or why not?
  8. How can you personally have an effect on what your city and country does?
  9. If you wanted to help your city improve, what could you do?
  10. If you had to choose one thing that you wanted to change about your city, what would you choose, and what could you do to help bring about that change?

The Economy

The economy goes hand-in-hand with change and must be considered when discussing global development.

  1. Which SDGs are related to the economy? Why?
  2. To improve the economy, work must be available to all. Do you think everyone has access to jobs in your community?
  3. Do you think disabled people have access to work in your community? If yes, what type of work? If no, why not?
  4. Do you think young people and elderly people can/should be a part of the workforce? Why or why not? Do you think young and elderly people want to be a part of the workforce? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think refugees, migrants, and immigrants have the same access to employment as other members of your community? Why or why not? Can it be improved? Why or why not?
  6. Can government-provided childcare improve the economy? Why or why not? Do you think the government should invest in childcare?
  7. What other government programs can help improve the economy? 
  8. How has the pandemic impacted the global economy? Can the government or people counteract any negative impacts?
  9. Do local businesses have an effect on the economy? Why or why not? Should consumers shop locally?
  10. Do consumers have a responsibility to support ethical businesses? Why or why not?

Human Rights

Human rights are at the heart of the SDGs and must be taken into account in every aspect of global change.

  1. Which SDGs deal with human rights?
  2. What are some basic human rights?
  3. What’s something that your city, country, or community does to end poverty?
  4. What can you do to help end poverty?
  5. What does your country or community do to help end hunger?
  6. How can you help hungry people in your community?
  7. What systems need to be in place to support “good health and well-being?” How can you help support those systems?
  8. Does your country have equal education opportunities for all? Is there anything you can/should do to make sure others have equal education opportunities?
  9. Does your country support gender equality? Why or why not? What are some things you can do to even the playing field for different genders?
  10. What is something could you do today, this month, and this year to help your fellow humans?


Another goal of the UNs 17 SDGs is to support peace in communities around the world.

  1. Which SDGs deal with peace?
  2. What does peace mean to you?
  3. What are the problems in the world and in your community that need to be dealt with to support peace?
  4. Is there anything you can do to help stop wars? If yes, what? If no, why not?
  5. Do you think women in your community feel safe? If yes, why? If not, what can/should be done to help them feel safer?
  6. What can/should the government do to help stop violent crime? Is there anything you can do to affect the government’s ability to prevent violent crime?
  7. There are people around the world who have been displaced by violence, crime and war. Is there anything you can do to help these people?
  8. Do you think there are any role models in support of peace? If yes, who? If not, why not?
  9. List any ideas you have to support peace in your community and the world.
  10. What’s one action you could do in your lifetime to help support peace in the world or your community?

Do you think there are some questions we missed? Comment below!

You can check out some more advanced conversation topics here

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1 Response

  1. January 8, 2024

    […] great introduction for your class can be found here. Watch the videos linked and have a class discussion to introduce the topic of Sustainable […]

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