Book Lessons – The Time Machine – H.G. Wells
I usually like to do some reading together as a class. This book is part of the public domain, so the pdf is available online for free in Gutenberg. You can get the book here: Gutenberg. This usually works better in a small class where all the students have agreed to read the book. I usually assign a few chapters a week, but “to each their own”, you can space out the reading between two weeks or more as well. For each group of chapters I wrote some questions which the students can answer as they read. Super fun!
The answers to these questions are in a file at the bottom.

Chapters 1 and 2:
- How many dimensions are there according to the speaker?
- Is the “Time Traveler” and the narrator the same person?
- What happened to the Time Traveler’s machine?
- Did the “men of science” believe the time traveler?
- The following week they had dinner together. How did the time traveler look when he arrived?
- Who do you think the “Silent Man” is? Do you think he will be important further on?
- How many days into the past did the time traveler travel to?

Chapters 3 and 4:
- What does the time machine look like in the beginning of the chapter?
- What does time traveling feel like according to the speaker? Give me some examples from the book.
- How fast was the machine travelling?
- Why was the Time Traveler afraid of stopping the time machine?
- What was the weather like when the Time Traveler stopped?
- The Time Traveler met a group of “people”. What did they look like?
- Where did they think the time Traveler had come from?
- Was the “People’s” society new and clean or old and dirty? Why, do you think?
- Are men and women different in the future? What reasons does the Time Traveler give for this?
- What explanation does the Traveler give for the short stature and low intelligence of the future “People”?

Chapters 5 and 6:
- What did the time traveler find when he returned to the lawn in front of the sphinx?
- What clues did the time traveler find around the lawn where his time machine had been?
- Where did he believe the time machine was?
- What did the time traveler find when he was exploring the hills?
- How did the time traveler make a friend? Was it a good friendship?
- What scary thing did the time traveler see?
- What is a “Have” and a “Have-not”?
- What do the Morlocks look like?
- The time traveler thinks that the Morlocks are workers and the Eloi are masters. Do you think he is right?

Chapters 7 and 8:
- Why were the Eloi getting reacquainted with fear?
- What do the Morlocks eat now and what did they used to eat?
- The Time Traveler says that the Eloi were like cattle to the Morlocks. What does he mean?
- The time traveler finds a building. What was the building’s purpose?
- What did he find in it to help him fight the Morlocks?
- What’s the time traveler’s plan for the next day?

Chapters 9 and 10 and 11:
- What did the time traveler do to fend off the Morlocks?
- How did the Morlocks capture Meena and the Time Traveler?
- How did the Time Traveler free himself from them?
- Did Meena survive?
- When the Time Traveler finds the time machine in the sphinx, what happens?
- In the end, did people believe the Time Traveler’s tale?
- The Time Traveler left. Did he ever come back?
Your answers are not accessible.
Sorry about that. I’ll add them to the post!