Book Lesson – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – Philip K. Dick

Here is a book that my student and I read together. I made questions for every two chapters and we got together once a week, after reading those two chapters, to answer the questions together. These usually fueled very interesting and poignant conversations about what the book was really about. The answers are at the bottom. So fun!
Here are PDF files of both the questions and the answers.
Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? is an incredibly interesting book which tries to dig to the core of what it means to be a human being.
Chapter 1 and 2
- Who are the two characters we are introduced to first?
- The couple keeps “setting their Penfield”. What do you think a Penfield does?
- Most animals on Earth have died. Why did the owls die first?
- Who started W.W.T (World War Terminus)?
- The government has slogans such as “Emigrate or Degenerate”. What are the two main reasons people emigrated?
- Why were the Androids called “mobile donkeys”?
- The book introduces John Isidore. Who is he and does John live with anybody?
- John connects himself with an empathy box. What is an empathy box?

Chapter 3 and 4
- What is the name of the animal catalogue Rick likes to look at?
- What’s the name of the chief inspector? What did he tell Rick?
- There are new Androids coming out that have the Nexus-6 brain. Why do you think the police has been protesting these Androids?
- What is something that humans have that Androids don’t?
- Why is that important?
- Why are schizophrenics and mentally ill patients a problem for the Voigt-Kampff scale?
- Why does Rick need to go to Seattle first? What is he doing there and why?
- Why are Rachel Rosen and her uncle scared of Rick?
- What does the Voigt-Kampff test assess?

Chapter 5 and 6
- What does the Voigt-Kampff test focus on?
- What happens when Rick tests Rachel?
- Why did the Rosens offer Rick an owl?
- Why did Rick decide to ask Rachel an extra question?
- Is the owl they tried to bribe him with, real?
- What is Kipple?
- We are introduced to a new girl. What her name? Is she nice? Why?

Chapter 7 and 8
- Who does John Isidore work for and what does he do?
- His first job of the day is to pick up a malfunctioning cat. Why did John say the cat looks real?
- What did John Isidore do to fix it? Did it work?
- What did Isidore convince the cat’s owner to do?
- Why did Rachel Rosen offer Rick her help?
- Rick is sent to find an Android called Polokov. How did Rick “retire” Polokov?
- What’s Rick’s next target?
- What is an Android “poop sheet”?

Chapter 9 and 10
- What’s Luba Luft’s job? Is she any good?
- Does Luba have an accent? Does she have any difficulties speaking English?
- Has Rick taken the Voigt-Kampff test? Is he an Android?
- What do you think of Luba’s answers to Rick’s questions?
- Luba Luft calls the police. Does the police officer know Rick? Why?
- Why is the police officer going to a different police station?
- The officer takes Rick to the new station. What crimes is he accused of?
- An officer named Garland takes over the case. What does he find in Rick’s briefcase?
- Rick meets Phil Resch. What is his job?

Chapter 11 and 12
- Inspector Garland was left alone with Rick. What does he plan to do? Why?
- Do you think Phil Resch is an Android?
- What happened when Phil Resch returned?
- How did Rick and Resch escape the building?
- Where did they find Luba Luft? How did they get her?
- After killing Luba Luft, Rick Deckard wanted to quit. Why?
- Rick gave Phil the Android test. Did he pass or fail? Was it what Rick had expected?

Chapter 13 and 14
- What had Isidore kept in the Bank of America? Why is he getting it?
- What does Pris mean by this?
- Isidore: “What’s a bounty hunter?”
- Pris: “That’s right. You people aren’t supposed to know.”
- Pris knows other Androids from Mars. What was Roy Baty and Irmgad’s job on Mars?
- Is life on Mars nice? Why?
- Why does Pris call Isidore a chicken head?
- What defense does Roy set up in the apartment?
- What do you think the Androids did to escape Mars?

Chapter 15 and 16
- The Androids had a vote on whether to stay at Isidore’s house or leave. What did they decide?
- What animal did Rick buy? Why? Was it cheap?
- Iran asked Rick to fuse with Mercer. Why did Iran tell Rick it was immoral not to fuse after getting the goat?
- Why did Inspector Bryant call Rick?
- Rick decides to fuse with Mercer. What did Mercer tell him?
- Why did Rick call Rachel?
- Why did the Rosen corporation want Rachel to help Rick?
- Why did Rachel spend the night with Rick?

Chapter 17 and 18
- What’s the Life expectancy of an Android?
- The next morning Rachel admits that no bounty hunter has been able to continue after being with her. What does she mean?
- The radio said: “ah jes wan ta tell ya, folks, that ahm sitten hih with my pal Bustuh, an we’re tawkin en havin a real mighty fine time, waitin expectantly as we ah with each tick uh the clock foh what ah understan is the most important announcement of …” Why did the author write it like that?
- Do the Androids treat Isidore well? Is he unhappy?
- What did Isidore find while he was carrying the TV? What did the Androids do to it?
- What was the big announcement on TV?
- Is Buster a human or an Android?
- Why was Isidore so preoccupied with the spider? Did the Androids feel the same way?

Chapter 19 and 20
- Roy’s alarm rings. Who is coming into the apartment?
- Who does Rick meet outside of the apartment? What did he ask him?
- After talking to Isidore, Rick meets someone in the apartment. Who was it?
- Why was the first Andy the difficult one? How did Rick “retire” it?
- Were the other two Andys hard to “retire”? How many did he end up getting in one day?
- What happened to Rick’s goat? Why?
Chapter 21 and 22
- What did Rick do after killing the Andys?
- While Rick was climbing the hill, someone threw a rock. Who threw the rock at Rick?
- In your opinion, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in the story? Why?
- What animal did Rick find? What was wrong with it?
Downloadable Answers: