Simple Intermediate Conversation Lesson about Planning a Trip
This lesson is super simple to set up, but guaranteed to get your students talking about what your friend should do or see.
1. The Set Up (10 minutes)
Tell your class that a friend or relative of yours is coming to town. (This activity is even better if it’s true.) Tell them you need help planning this friend’s trip. Explain how many day’s your friend will be staying and encourage students to ask questions, such as, “Is your friend a foodie?” They can take notes about your friend.

2. Vocabulary (10 minutes)
Now write a lot of advice phrases on the board, such as, “Your friend should… I recommend… Wouldn’t it be nice to…? If I were your friend, I’d… One great place is… Have you thought about…? Why doesn’t he/she…” and any other phrases you’d like your class to use.
3. Planning (15-20 minutes)
Then put students into small groups and let them plan your friend’s trip.

4. Presentation and voting (20-30 minutes)
When everyone has finished, ask students to tell the class what they think your friend should do. Vote on the best idea, and if you really have a friend visiting, then you can take that group’s advice!

Alternate idea
(This lesson can also be done by having students plan your vacation, but this only works if where you’re going is relatively familiar to your students. Otherwise, you can let your students do some research on your vacation destination first.)