Scary Stories Low-Prep Halloween Lesson
This spooky one hour conversation class is low-prep and perfect for Halloween or any time you and your students need a little fun.

Note that this lesson can be easily stretched into 2 classes and made to last at least 2 hours. If you want to make this lesson longer, simply read more examples at the beginning of class and allow students more time to write and practice their scary stories.
Also if you have a big class, please leave more time for students to present their stories. You might need a full period just for presenting if your class is very large.
Step 1: Read examples (10 minutes)
Read a few scary stories out loud to your class. Make sure to do lots of dramatic acting and spooky voices. Clarify any necessary vocabulary as you go along.
These ones from Ice Breaker Ideas are scary without being too scary.
Step 2: Vote (5 minutes)
Have your students vote on the scariest story.

Step 3: Write (20 minutes)
Now let students work in small groups and write their own scary stories. You can give students some rules for their writing, such as that students must use certain vocabulary words or their stories must be a certain length.
Or you might just want students to have “have fun with it” and give them free creative reign. You might be surprised at the ideas students have and how hard they’re willing to work when they’re given the freedom to do what they please.

Step 4: Practice (10 minutes)
When students finish, tell them they are going to read their stories out to the class, but they must read them with lots of body language, intonation, and interesting voices.
This is a good opportunity for students to practice speaking in a much more dramatic way than they normally would. It’s a great chance for even typically shy students to cut loose and be a little silly.
Step 5: Present (10 minutes)
Finally turn down the lights, and let each group read their story. If you really want to set the mood, play some spooky music on the speakers as your students present.
When everyone has finished reading their stories, vote on the best ones.
It’s as easy as that!

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[…] Click here to try another 1-hour speaking lesson, and let your students tell one another some spooky stories. […]