Intermediate Vocabulary Lesson – Negative Prefixes (Un-In-Dis)
There are many negative prefixes. They all serve the same function which is to turn a word with a positive meaning into one with a negative meaning. We will talk about the Un-In-Dis prefixes. If you want to fast forward, you can click: Un-prefix In-prefix Dis-prefix
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Let’s start with the most common one: Un-
Here are some examples using this prefix. Notice how the prefix changes the root word. Read the examples and see if you can figure out what the prefix does to the root words.

This prefix means the same as adding “not” to a word. For example, “I am well”, “I am unwell”, “I am not well”.
Read this text and underline all the words with un-.
What advice would you give the boy in the story?
My friend is unemployed. He has been that way for an entire year. I’ve tried telling him what to do but he refuses to listen. I’ve told him that he should dress better for his interviews. One time, I saw him go to an interview wearing a T-shirt with ketchup on it. I told him you’d be better off going there undressed!
Another time I told him he should stop leaving so many things unfinished. He starts an application but then gets bored and does something else. What advice would you give him?
Finally, his biggest issue is that he likes to do crazy things and he tells his employers that. He loves skydiving, partying, and high adrenaline sports. I think that’s great but he’s employers must think he’s unstable. He’ll never get a job like this. I need your help guys. What can I say to him? I feel really unhelpful!
Try using these words to complete the sentences below:
Uninvited | Unstable | Unconscious | Unprotected | Unhelpful |
- I asked him to come over here and hold my tools, but he refused, he’s really ________________.
- That girl just started screaming at the barista, I think she’s a little _________.
- They took him to the hospital right away. Apparently, he’d been __________ for 30 minutes.
- Do you know why Jane’s not coming? She insulted her friend’s wedding dress, so she got __________.
- John got really hurt last week. He wanted to play American football, but he didn’t have a helmet. You should never do something dangerous like that __________.
Now try to answer these conversation questions with a friend or in class
- Have you ever done anything unsafe? What was it and why did you do it?
- Is there anything unfinished you still must do? Why haven’t you done it yet?
- Who’s your most unhelpful friend? Why do you think he is so unhelpful?
- What is something you are unable to do? Would you like to learn how to do it in the future?
- What advice would you give an unemployed friend? Try to come up with at least three pieces of advice.
- What do you usually do when you feel unhappy? What would you tell a friend if they were feeling unhappy?
Let’s look at the prefix in-
Look at these examples using this prefix and see if you can figure out what the effect is on the root word.

This prefix has a similar meaning to the first which is not or without. For example, “Your homework is incomplete” or “Your homework is not complete”. You could also say, “This restaurant is really inexpensive.” or “This restaurant is not expensive at all”.
How do we know whether to use in- or un-? Well, it’s complicated. According to Kris Spisak if the word has a Latin origin, you should use the prefix in-, if it has a Germanic origin, you should use the prefix un-. Active-Inactive. Afraid-Unafraid. Basically, if you speak Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French, and you can recognize the word, you should use in-, if not un-.
Read this text and underline all the words with the prefix in-
Do you agree or disagree with this young girl?
There is nothing more inconvenient than being a good person. Nobody thanks you; nobody tells you you’re special and whenever I complain, people just say it’s normal to be nice. What an injustice! If you are indecent, you get punished but if you’re nice, you get nothing. Nice people should get a reward. Am I right? Something inexpensive. Something small. I’m not asking for the world here.
As an example, I saw somebody walking down the street when suddenly their wallet fell out of their pocket. I said: “Hey Mr. your wallet is on the floor!”, He just picked it up and left. Can you believe it? Are you incapable of saying thank you? Are you incapable of telling me what an amazing person I am for being nice? No!
Sometimes I feel like I’m going insane, but what can you do, am I right?
Try using these words to complete the sentences below
inconvenient | injustice | incapable | inexpensive | intolerable |
- They sent him to jail for speaking out and saying what he believed, what an __________.
- He just sits around the house and doesn’t do anything. It’s ____________.
- The suitcase looks nice, but it was pretty ____________.
- That man is _________ of changing his rude habits. I just can’t deal with it anymore!
- Don’t they offer free parking? That’s pretty inconvenient…
Now try asking and answering these questions with a friend
- Do you prefer to buy expensive or inexpensive things? Why?
- What is something you are incapable of doing? Do you want to learn how to do it in the future?
- What’s the most inconvenient thing you have to do around the house, at work or at school? Why is it inconvenient?
- Are you an active or inactive person? What activities do you do or what activities would you like to do?
- What would you do if you did something inaccurate at work? Would you tell your boss or hide it? Why?
- What do you think is the biggest injustice in the world? Why?
Let’s look at the prefix dis-
Notice how able (ability) can have two prefixes. It can be able-unable or able-disable. What are the differences between the two prefixes?

The prefix dis- usually means that there is no or none of something. For example, Trust (I trust you) and Distrust (I have no trust in you).
Read this text and underline all the words with the prefix dis-
There is someone I really dislike at work but I’m not sure how to deal with it. You might be able to give me some advice. The reason I dislike this person is because they are very disloyal. They’ll say wonderful things to you but then say disagreeable things behind your back. It’s dishonest if you ask me. If this person continues treating people like that someone is going to feel disrespected. Honestly, I hope they’ll disrespect the boss and maybe she’ll discontinue their contract.
Can you give me some advice? How should I deal with this person? I don’t know what to do!
Complete the sentences using the words in the box
dislike | disobey | discontinue | dishonest | disloyal |
- Just seeing her here is making me sick. I truly __________ her.
- He left the company after working here less than a year. Seems a little ________ to me.
- The PS5 is out. Do you think they’ll __________ the PS4?
- I saw a mother yelling at her child in the mall. A lot of people don’t think it’s right, but how else will they learn not to _________.
- He looked me right in the eye when he said it. There is nobody more ________ than him.
Now ask and answer the following questions. Try using words with prefixes
- Have you ever been dishonest with someone and regretted it afterwards?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting married?
- What do you do when you dislike someone? Do you avoid them or not?
- What would you do if someone disrespected you?
- What is something someone has done that you really disapproved of?
- Have you ever felt disappointed? Why was it?
I hope you enjoyed learning about these prefixes, check out this table below with more examples!
Un- | In- | Dis- |
Unimpressed | Inconceivable | Disorganized |
Unimaginable | Inconvenient | Disarm |
Unharmed | Indecent | Distrusting |
Unmistakable | Inactive | Dismember |
Uncharacteristic | Inconsistent | Disrespect |
Unflattering | Incomparable | Disconnected |
Unobtrusive | Inefficient | Disjointed |
Unbelievable | Insanity | Disproportional |
Excellent Lesson Plan.
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