English Conversation Lesson about the 5 Senses
This interesting one hour intermediate conversation class provides students with endless opportunities for discussion as well as a 5 senses grammar review.
The student and teacher worksheet are located at the bottom of the page.
What are the five senses? (5 minutes)

Answer the question in partners. (5 minutes)
Which of the five senses is most important to you? Why?
Discuss your answers with a partner.
Read the 5 senses sentence formulas and complete the grammar practice. (10 minutes)
When we talk about senses, we typically use the following verbs and formula:
look, smell, taste, feel, sound + ADJECTIVE
- The dog looks friendly.
- These socks smell terrible.
- That cake tastes delicious.
- I feel miserable today.
- This new surround system sounds really loud.
Make a list of adjectives that you can use with each of the following verbs:
Look | Smell | Taste | Feel | Sound |
Another common way to talk about senses is with the following formula.
look, smell, taste, feel, sound + LIKE + NOUN
- The dog looks like a friendly dog.
- These socks smell like feet.
- That cake tastes like the cake that my sister makes.
- I feel like a zombie today.
- This new surround system sounds like the one at the movie theater.
Underline the noun in each of the previous sentences: 2-5.
Write two sentences… (10-15 minutes)
…about each of the following pictures using the sense verbs of look, smell, taste, feel, or sound.
For example: It feels warm; It smells like pine.

Answer the questions about each of the 5 senses in partners or small groups. (20-30 minutes)
Note to teacher: These question topics can be cut up between the 5 senses, the class can be split into 5 groups, each group can spend time answering the questions before passing their questions to another group or changing the groups.
- Do you have good eyesight?
- Would you ever consider getting contacts?
- Would you ever consider getting laser eye surgery?
- What’s the best view you’ve ever seen? Why?
- When you are on vacation do you prefer to just use your eyes to enjoy the scenery or do you prefer to take a photo? Why?
- What music do you like to listen to?
- What sound makes you cringe?
- Have you ever been in a completely silent place?
- Do you prefer working in silence or with some background noise?
- Do you like listening to white noise while you sleep?
- What is your favorite flavor? Why?
- Do you like sweet food? Why or why not?
- What flavors don’t you like? Why
- Are there any flavors that remind you of your childhood? What are they?
- Is there any food that you didn’t like as a child which has grown on you and which you like now?
- What’s your favorite smell? Why?
- Is there any particular smell that reminds you of the past?
- What does your house smell like? Why?
- Do you think it’s important to wear perfume? Why or why not?
- If you had to describe your hometown by the smell, what would you say?
- Do you think your physical comfort can affect your mood? Why or why not?
- What’s the softest thing you can think of?
- Are you a tactile learner? (tactile: ADJ, connected to touch)
- Do you think children can learn more by touching than seeing? Why or why not?
- What’s your opinion of handshakes, kisses, and hugs in greetings?
Feedback (5-10 minutes)
Use the last few minutes of class to review any new vocabulary, correct any mistakes that were heard during the class discussion, and to discuss any dissenting opinions or interesting ideas.