Infomercial Lesson to Get ESL Students Talking

This exciting, advanced conversation lesson will last one hour and give students the opportunity to practice being a salesman.


Bring a box of random objects to class. 

Step 1: Watch infomercials (5-10 minutes)

Show students several infomercial videos and ask them to write down any language they hear that’s useful for selling something.

Try watching this classic OxiClean commercial.

Or another classic: Shamwow!

Step 3: Vocabulary (5-10 minutes)

After you’ve watched the videos, talk about them with the students. Create a list of influential vocabulary and phrases they heard on the board.

Some influential vocabulary/phrases examples could be:

  1. Incredible! / Amazing!
  2. “available for a limited time”
  3. must-have
  4. “one-time offer”
  5. “low-low price”

Step 4: Prepare an infomercial (10-15 minutes)

Pass the random box of objects around. Students take an object and then they have 10-15 minutes to prepare an infomercial. Students can do this individually, in partners, or in small groups.

Step 5: Present in small groups (20-30 minutes)

Split students up into small groups and have them present their infomercials to one another. Once everyone in a group has presented, have students switch groups and present again. The teacher should walk around and make notes.

Once students have presented a few times, have students vote on the best infomercials they heard.

Finally, give students feedback on any good (or poor) grammar that the teacher heard.

Step 6: Extra presentation (30-60 minutes)

Now that students have had some practice presenting an infomercial, then can try a more formal presentation.

If you still have time or if you want to continue this lesson on a different day, then let students work in small groups to prepare and then present a group infomercial to the class. They can grab another object from the box or if you prefer, they can “sell” something of their choice.

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2 Responses

  1. January 17, 2025

    […] you want more 1-hour low-prep lessons? Try this Low-Prep – Advanced Conversation – Infomercial where students practice selling objects to their […]

  2. February 28, 2025

    […] Click here to see the full lesson for free! […]

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