10 More Unusual Advanced TEFL/ESL Conversation

Looking for some conversation topics and questions for your advanced English language learners? Try these 10 new advanced conversation topics.

(And if you haven’t yet, check out our first post about unusual conversation topics.)


  1. What are some examples of vitamins, and what are they good for?
  2. Do you take any vitamins? If yes, why? If not, why not?
  3. What types of vitamins and supplements do you believe are popular? Why do you think these are popular, and what’s your opinion on them?
  4. Do you think vitamins are ever necessary? Why or why not?
  5. Would you or have you ever taken a supplement for hair growth? Why or why not?
  6. What about skin health? Why or why not?
  7. What are your thoughts on protein powders? Why?
  8. There are a lot of recent complaints about supplements being unregulated. Why do you think that is? Have you heard any news stories about unregulated supplements? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dietary-supplements-protein-powders-what-to-watch-out-for/ 
  9. Are you concerned about supplements in any way? Why or why not? 
  10. A lot of influencers are sponsored by supplements and health products. What are the cons of influencers pushing supplement usage? What are the pros? https://fortune.com/2023/09/22/health-influencers-lies-lawsuits-deceptive-marketing/ 
  11. Have you ever been influenced into buying “greens” or supplements by an ad you saw online? What was your experience?


  1. Are haunted houses (where actors dress up to scare customers) commonplace in your home country? Why or why not?
  2. Would you or have you ever gone to one? Why or why not?
  3. Are you a horror movie fan? Why or why not? 
  4. If you’re into horror movies, are there any scary movies that you think are overrated or underrated? Why?
  5. What do you think of horror movie addicts? Why do you think they like being scared?
  6. Some people like movies with gore. What do you think about that? Why?
  7. How do you feel about jump scares in movies and TV? Why?
  8. When you were a kid, were you petrified of anything that you think is silly now? (For example; the dark, a basement, a kid’s TV show…)
  9. Do you have any phobias? Some common phobias are arachnophobia, cynophobia, acrophobia…


  1. What are some of your favorite types of get-togethers? Why?
  2. Are you into barbecue get-togethers? Why or why not?
  3. What are the pros and cons of potlucks? Why?
  4. Are you a fan of game nights? If yes, what do you play? If not, why not?
  5. Have you ever been to a bachelorette or bachelor party? If yes, what did you get up to, and what did you think about it? If not, what kind of bachelorette or bachelor party would appeal to you?
  6. If you’re a parent, what’s your view on playgroups? If you’re not, did you attend a playgroup as a child? Are they popular in your area?
  7. Do you think fairs or carnivals are a good time? Why or why not? What activities do/would you like to do at fairs or carnivals?
  8. Have you ever been to a trivia night? If not, would you like to go? If yes, how’d it go?
  9. Is boating a common activity in your area? Why or why not?
  10. Are house parties popular where you live? Why or why not?
  11. Are small get-togethers or big get-togethers more appealing to you? Why?


  1. Is cilantro an inviting or a vile smell for you? Why?
  2. What does summer smell like to you? Why?
  3. What scent evokes winter for you? Why?
  4. Are there any big holidays that you associate with a particular scent? What holidays and what scent?
  5. Is there any food that has a smell you can’t stand? What is it and why?
  6. What does home smell like to you? Why?
  7. Are you a perfume/cologne fan? Why or why not?
  8. What about scented candles? Why?
  9. Do you use essential oils? Why or why not?
  10. What smell is comforting to you? Why?

Alternative Healing

  1. What do you think “positive affirmations” are? Can you think of some examples? If you’re not sure, look up a few examples and discuss them.
  2. What’s your opinion of positive affirmations?
  3. Some elementary school teachers encourage their students to say positive affirmations. What are your opinions of this practice?
  4. Some doctors are now prescribing time in nature for mental health. What do you think about this prescription?
  5. Researchers not only say that nature is good for our mental health, but birdwatching also supposedly helps. Why do you think birdwatching might help our mental health?
  6. Do you like birdwatching? Would you consider doing it more often? Why or why not?
  7. What does “art therapy” mean? 
  8. Who could benefit from art therapy? Why?
  9. Would you ever want to try art therapy? Why or why not?
  10. What is your opinion on chiropractors? Why?
  11. Would you ever try acupuncture? Why or why not?
  12. What about cupping? If not, what do you think about cupping?
  13. Have you tried any other types of alternative healing? If yes, what were they? If not, have you heard of any other types?

Smart Animals

  1. Are there any animals you’d consider intelligent? Why or why not? Which animals?
  2. Have you ever tried to train an animal? What animal and how did it go?
  3. Dogs and pigs are widely considered intelligent, but there are many communities in the world that eat both animals. What’s your view on eating intelligent animals versus other animals?
  4. Orcas are known for their intelligence. How would you feel if you were in the water with one of these killer whales?
  5. Orcas have been attacking boats in Europe. Why do you think they’ve been doing that? Should something be done to stop them?
  6. There are cats and dogs that can push buttons which “speak,” primates that can use sign language, and parrots that can mimic. Would you consider each of these examples to be talking? Why or why not?
  7. Do you know anyone that uses a service animal? If yes, what type of animal and what do they use it for? If not, can you think of any examples of service animals?

Dangerous Traditions

  1. Have you heard of the Running of the Bulls? What’s your opinion on it? Why?
  2. Some ancient Mayans filed their teeth, ancient Chinese people practiced foot binding, and scarification has been practiced in many cultures throughout the world. What’s your view on cultural body modification? Why?
  3. Mochi is a sweet chewy treat that’s popular in Japan around New Year, but it is a choking hazard. How do you feel about traditional food that might be dangerous? Should the tradition be changed? Why or why not?
  4. Fireworks, popular in celebrations throughout the world, pollute the air. Some areas have banned fireworks for this reason. What do you think about that? Should fireworks be replaced by something else? Why?
  5. A small group of people in the Amazon use fire ants as gloves in a coming-of-age ritual. The sting of a fire ant is extremely painful for the young men who go through the ritual. What are your thoughts on such coming-of-age rituals? Why?
  6. The “Polar Plunge” is a tradition in many places around the world. Why do you think people jump in freezing water? Is it dangerous? Would you try it? Is there a “Polar Plunge” where you live?
  7. Some people claim that fox-hunting, a traditional sport in the U.K. is cruel because the fox is chased until it is exhausted and sometimes eaten by the dogs used to chase it. Do you think traditional hunting like this has a place in modern society? Why or why not?
  8. Have you ever heard of college hazing? What do you think about it? Why?

Boycotts and Protests

  1. Have you ever participated in a boycott? If yes, what was it about? If not, have you heard of any boycotts in the news?
  2. What types of things make people get up in arms and want to boycott?
  3. Do you think boycotts work? Why or why not?
  4. Should people boycott companies based on their effect on the environment? Why or why not?
  5. Should people boycott companies based on their treatment of employees? Why or why not?
  6. Should people boycott companies based on personal beliefs? Why or why not?
  7. Have you ever participated in a protest? If yes, what was it about? If not, can you give an example of a protest?
  8. Are protests common in your country? Why or why not?
  9. Can you give an example of a protest or boycott that worked? What was it?
  10. Cancel culture is something that has always existed but is much quicker and more visible since the rise of the internet and social media. What does cancel culture mean to you?
  11. What’s your opinion of cancel culture?
  12. Can you give an example of cancel culture from the news?


  1. Have you ever felt nostalgia? Can you give an example?
  2. Do you think nostalgia is healthy? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think everyone experiences nostalgia? Why or why not?
  4. Are there any songs that fill you with nostalgia? What are they and what do they make you think of?
  5. If someone were to tell you to think of something from the 80s, 90s, or 2000s what would you think of for each decade, and why? 
  6. What decade makes you most nostalgic?
  7. Are there any TV shows or movies that are like a trip down memory lane for you? What are they, and what do they make you think of?
  8. Are there any styles, objects, or cultural blasts from the past that you hope become popular again? What are they, and why? If not, why not?

Weird sports

  1. What do you think about free climbing? Is it a popular sport in your country? Why or why not?
  2. Some people think freediving is dangerous. Why do you think people like to do it? Would you ever try it? Why or why not?
  3. What’s your opinion about cross-country marathons? Would you sponsor someone running a cross-country marathon for charity? Why or why not?
  4. Are there any areas where tourists can use gliders near you? Would you ever try it? Why or why not?
  5. What do you think about spearfishing? Why?
  6. Spear fishers are often commissioned in Florida to kill invasive fish species, like lionfish. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
  7. Are there any unusual sports where you live? What are the rules? Have you ever participated? Why or why not?
  8. What do you think about spelunking? Is it dangerous? Why or why not? Would you try it? Why or why not?

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  1. August 27, 2024

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